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1. sending long sms

Long sms (a.k.a. concatenated sms) can be sent from replyx. This feature is turned off by default to prevent accidental sending of long sms. Click on the "allow sending of long sms" checkbox to turn on this feature.

characters count

The limit for each sms is 160 for English + symbols and 70 for non-English message content. A sms is considered a long sms when the character count is more than the limit.

The maximum number of characters allowed by replyx is 500.

The symbols stated below are considered as 2 character count in an English message content.

[ ] { } ~ ^ \ |

1 sms
160 for English + symbols
70 for non-English

2 sms
306 for English + symbols
134 for non-English

3 sms
459 for English + symbols
201 for non-English

2. sending personalised sms

replyx allows sending of personalised sms;
one click | send to many recipients | in different messages according to values linked to each recipient

Recipients' names and other values, along with mobile numbers, can be added when you are preparing the recipient list for a sms campaign.

Use @@@@@ for recipients' "NAME" value

Use @X@ for recipients' "X" value

Use @Y@ for recipients' "Y" value

Use @Z@ for recipients' "Z" value


Personalising can lead to some (or all) messages sent as long sms.

The original sms message's character count may increase during personalising. I.e. @@@@@ which has 5 characters being replaced by recipient's name e.g. Angeline Lee that has 12.

A sms is considered a long sms when the character count is more than the limit. See sending long sms.

3. smart scheduler

replyx allows scheduling of personalised sms to be delivered on different date & time;
one click | send to many recipients | in different messages according to values linked to each recipient | delivered according to date & time values linked to each recipient

The three options to send sms; now, schedule later & smart scheduler

Recipients' date & time values, along with mobile numbers, can be added when you are preparing the recipient list for a sms campaign.

Enter the number of (days or hours or minutes) | (before or after) the date & time linked to each recipient.

Enter days/hours/minutes before or after a recipient date.


sms will be sent immediately if the scheduled date & time is "blank" or earlier than now.
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